Transport properties of a co-poly(amide-12-b-ethylene oxide) membrane: A comparative study between experimental and molecular modelling results

Engineering / Membrane Science / Monte Carlo / Comparative Study / Block Copolymer / Gas Separation / Transport Properties / Molecular Simulation / Molecular Modelling / Membrane / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Experimental Data / Force Field Analysis / Molecular Dynamic Simulation / Monte Carlo Method / Gas Separation / Transport Properties / Molecular Simulation / Molecular Modelling / Membrane / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Experimental Data / Force Field Analysis / Molecular Dynamic Simulation / Monte Carlo Method

Entropy Loss in Long-Distance DNA Looping

Genetics / Biophysical Chemistry / Entropy / Biological Sciences / DNA / Computer Simulation / Physical sciences / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Telomere / Energy Transfer / Nucleic Acid Conformation / Long Distance / Computer Simulation / Physical sciences / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Telomere / Energy Transfer / Nucleic Acid Conformation / Long Distance

ORA1, a zebrafish olfactory receptor ancestral to all mammalian V1R genes, recognizes 4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid, a putative reproductive pheromone

Reproduction / Molecular Evolution / Biological Chemistry / Biological Sciences / Humans / Animals / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Zebrafish / Animals / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Zebrafish

Broadcasting of entanglement via local copying

Mathematical Sciences / Physical sciences / CHEMICAL SCIENCES


Biological Sciences / Environmental Sciences / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry / Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology

Chromophores in porous silicas and minerals: preparation and optical properties

Engineering / Self Assembly / Silica / Optical Properties / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Self Organization / Chemical Properties / Langmuir Blodgett / Microporous / Self Organization / Chemical Properties / Langmuir Blodgett / Microporous

Identification of plant-like galactolipids in Chromera velia, a photosynthetic relative of malaria parasites

Molecular Evolution / Biological Chemistry / Biological Sciences / Biological / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Protozoan Proteins / Amino Acid Sequence / Protozoan Proteins / Amino Acid Sequence

Extracellular processing of amphoterin generates a peptide active on erythroleukaemia cell differentiation

Kinetics / Biological Sciences / Cell Differentiation / Mice / Animals / Biochemical / Metals / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Protease Inhibitors / Recombinant Proteins / Biochemical / Metals / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Protease Inhibitors / Recombinant Proteins

Novel Cytotoxic Diterpenes from Casearia arborea

Natural Products / Medicinal Plants / Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy / Macromolecular X-Ray Crystallography / Biological Sciences / Humans / High Pressure Liquid Chromatography / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Diterpenes / Natural / Humans / High Pressure Liquid Chromatography / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Diterpenes / Natural

Cytotoxic clerodane diterpene esters from Laetia corymbulosa

Phytochemistry / Peru / Biological Sciences / Humans / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Diterpenes / Esters / Diterpenes / Esters

High- and low-frequency phonon modes in dipolar quantum gases trapped in deep lattices

Mathematical Sciences / Physical sciences / CHEMICAL SCIENCES

Low-energy linear oxygen plasma source

Engineering / Scientific Instruments / Physical sciences / Electromagnetic Fields / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Oxygen / Electric Conductivity / Ions / Oxygen / Electric Conductivity / Ions
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