
A. García Barrios, M. Parada López de Corselas, \"La visión indígena en la platería novohispana: Gólgota y Montaña sagrada mesoamericana en la cruz de altar de la catedral de Palencia (México, s. XVI)\", en El Imperio y las Hispanias de Trajano a Carlos V..., Bologna, 2014, pp. 455-469.

Iconography / Art History / Indigenous Studies / Mexican Studies / Renaissance Studies / Mesoamerican Archaeology / Aztecs / Cross-Cultural Studies / Nahuatl / History of Art / Decorative Arts / Maya Archaeology / History of Colonial Mexico / Christian Iconography / Nahua History / Mexico / Silver / Precolumbian Cultures / Precolumbian Art / History of Arts / Sincretism / Precolumbian archaelogy / Mesoamerican Studies / Spanish conquest of the Americas / Arts of Africa, Pacific Islands, and the Americas / Indigenous Arts & Crafts / Mexican Codices / Nepantla / Nahuas and Mixtecs / Mesoamerican Archaeology / Aztecs / Cross-Cultural Studies / Nahuatl / History of Art / Decorative Arts / Maya Archaeology / History of Colonial Mexico / Christian Iconography / Nahua History / Mexico / Silver / Precolumbian Cultures / Precolumbian Art / History of Arts / Sincretism / Precolumbian archaelogy / Mesoamerican Studies / Spanish conquest of the Americas / Arts of Africa, Pacific Islands, and the Americas / Indigenous Arts & Crafts / Mexican Codices / Nepantla / Nahuas and Mixtecs

A. García Barrios, M. Parada López de Corselas, \"La cruz mexicana del siglo XVI de la catedral de Palencia (España): La visión indígena del Gólgota como la “montaña sagrada”\", Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas, 105 (2014), pp. 127-184.

Iconography / Art History / Indigenous Studies / Mexican Studies / Renaissance Studies / Mesoamerican Archaeology / Aztecs / Cross-Cultural Studies / Nahuatl / History of Art / Decorative Arts / Maya Archaeology / Mesoamerica / Christian Iconography / Mexico / Silver / Precolumbian Cultures / Precolumbian Art / History of Arts / Evangelization / Nahuas / Precolumbian archaelogy / Spanish conquest of the Americas / Evangelización / Art and Art History / Glyphic Studies / Indigenous Arts & Crafts / Mexican Codices / Nepantla / Nahuas and Mixtecs / Mesoamerican Archaeology / Aztecs / Cross-Cultural Studies / Nahuatl / History of Art / Decorative Arts / Maya Archaeology / Mesoamerica / Christian Iconography / Mexico / Silver / Precolumbian Cultures / Precolumbian Art / History of Arts / Evangelization / Nahuas / Precolumbian archaelogy / Spanish conquest of the Americas / Evangelización / Art and Art History / Glyphic Studies / Indigenous Arts & Crafts / Mexican Codices / Nepantla / Nahuas and Mixtecs


Archaeology / Experimental Archaeology / Mesoamerican Archaeology / Aztecs / Stone carving / Manufacturing Technology / Stone carving and lapidary techniques / Turquoise / Templo Mayor de Tenochtitlan / Lapidaries and Precious Stones / Manufacturing Technology / Stone carving and lapidary techniques / Turquoise / Templo Mayor de Tenochtitlan / Lapidaries and Precious Stones

Arqueología experimental en lapidaria en el Templo Mayor de Tenochtitlan

Archaeology / Experimental Archaeology / Mesoamerican Archaeology / Aztecs / Stone carving and lapidary techniques / Gemology and the lapidary proces now and of antiquity

Miriam Judith Gallegos Gómora, sobre Miriam López Hernández, Mujer divina, mujer terrena. Modelos femeninos en el mundo mexica y maya

Women's Studies / Women's History / Mesoamerican Archaeology / Aztecs / Nahuatl / Indigenous Peoples / Mesoamerica / Mesoamerican Ethnohistory / Women and Gender Studies / Mesoamerican Studies / Indigenous Peoples / Mesoamerica / Mesoamerican Ethnohistory / Women and Gender Studies / Mesoamerican Studies

Las Hierbas de Tlaloc

Folk Medicine / Aztecs / Aztec History / Medicine of Aztecs

Más de 460 años de Correlaciones Calendáricas : Azteca - Maya Quiche vs. Cristiano

Mexican Studies / Aztecs / Tonalpoualli / After Mayan End Times / Calendario Azteca

Tonal 1 Lluvia : El día que se inició la Globalización Mundial

Mexican Studies / Mesoamerican Archaeology / Aztecs / Gregorian Reform / Calendars / Mayan Studies / Mesoamerican Studies / Mayan Calendar / After Mayan End Times / Mesoamerican Writing / Mayan Studies / Mesoamerican Studies / Mayan Calendar / After Mayan End Times / Mesoamerican Writing

Los 366 días del Libro del Cihuacoatl ( Códice Borbónico)

History / Aztecs / Calendars / Mayan Studies / Aztec Calendar Stone

El Bosón de Higgs y El Calendario Azteca

Quantum Physics / Aztecs / Mayan Studies / Higgs boson / Fisica Cuantica / Interacting Boson Model

Chalchihuites y piedras verdes entre los mexicas

Archaeology / Mesoamerican Archaeology / Aztecs / Aztec Art / Aztec History / Mesoamerica / Aztecas / Mesoamerican Studies / Stone carving and lapidary techniques / Aztec Art, Religion, & Politics before and after the conquest / Arte Lapidario / Gemology and the lapidary proces now and of antiquity / Lapidaries and Precious Stones / Ancient Lapidaries / Mesoamerica / Aztecas / Mesoamerican Studies / Stone carving and lapidary techniques / Aztec Art, Religion, & Politics before and after the conquest / Arte Lapidario / Gemology and the lapidary proces now and of antiquity / Lapidaries and Precious Stones / Ancient Lapidaries

La elaboración de los ehecacózcatl de concha del Templo Mayor de Tenochtitlan

Archaeology / Experimental Archaeology / Archaeomalacology / Mesoamerican Archaeology / Aztecs / Malacology / Archaeometry / Dress and Personal Adornment (Archaeology) / Mesoamerica / Arqueología / Arqueologia / Shells adornments / Malacology (Archaeology) / Malacology / Archaeometry / Dress and Personal Adornment (Archaeology) / Mesoamerica / Arqueología / Arqueologia / Shells adornments / Malacology (Archaeology)

El miedo a la mujer en la cultura azteca

Women's Studies / Women's History / Aztecs / History Of Emotions / Nahuatl / Mesoamerican Ethnohistory / Nahuas / Mesoamerican Ethnohistory / Nahuas

A Paracas Bowl: Part II

Archaeology / Prehistoric Archaeology / Cosmology (Anthropology) / Aztecs / Ceramics (Art History) / Ceramics (Archaeology) / Prehistoric Art / Prehistoric Archeology / The Moche of northern Peru / Aztec Iconography / Aztec Art, Religion, & Politics before and after the conquest / Moche Iconography / Moche Archaeology / Ceramics (Archaeology) / Prehistoric Art / Prehistoric Archeology / The Moche of northern Peru / Aztec Iconography / Aztec Art, Religion, & Politics before and after the conquest / Moche Iconography / Moche Archaeology
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