
Narrativas autobiograficas de profesores de lengua inglesa

Self and Identity / Autobiography / Teachers' professional development

La vida de los héroes. Épica y autobiografía en el Mediterráneo habsburgo

Spanish Literature / Mediterranean Studies / Autobiography / Epic poetry / Authorship / Spanish Literature of the Golden Age

De regresos y manifiestos: las memorias de una generación de cubano-americanos entre el exilio y el posnacionalismo

Cuban Studies / Autobiography / Memoir and Autobiography / Cuban literature / U.S. Multi-Ethnic Literatures / Cuban American literature / Cuban-American Literature / Cuban American literature / Cuban-American Literature

2007: Reseña de \"4, Barview Cottages\"

European Studies / Higher Education / Erasmus / Autobiography / Literature Review

2011: Reseña de la autobiografía de Agustín García Calvo \"Cosas que hace uno\"

History of Linguistics / Languages and Linguistics / Autobiography / Biography / Filología / Book Reviews / Filologia Classica / Book Reviews / Filologia Classica

La biografía dentro de la autobiografía: el caso de Valerio del Bierzo (s. VII)

Hagiography / Autobiography / Visigothic Spain / Visigothic Literature / Valerius of Bierzo

Documentales autorreferenciales con Alzheimer (O cómo la enfermedad del olvido impulsa la recuperación audiovisual de la memoria y la historia)

Documentary (Film Studies) / Alzheimer's Disease / Autobiography / Spanish Civil War / Memoir and Autobiography / Documentary Film / Mental Illness / Self Representation / Documentary Film / Mental Illness / Self Representation

Bocetos de lo cotidiano: fórmulas del diario en el cómic

Autobiography / Diary Studies / Memoir and Autobiography / Comics and Graphic Novels / Chris Ware / Lewis Trondheim / Joann Sfar / Lewis Trondheim / Joann Sfar

2015: Tiempo personal e historia en 24 autobiografías de lingüistas españoles

History of Linguistics / Historiography / Autobiography / History of Linguistic Thought / Nanotechnology / Memoir and Autobiography / Hispanic Studies / Memoir and Autobiography / Hispanic Studies

2014: Presentación de \"24 autobiografías\" en XI el Congreso de Lingüística

History of Linguistics / Historiography / Autobiography / Applied Linguistics / Linguistics / Short story

Flor María Rodriguez-Arenas, \"La autobiografía ficticia en \'El duende\' (1846), periódico colombiano del siglo XIX\"

History / Sociology / Cultural Studies / Comparative Literature / Anthropology / Humanities / Social Sciences / Nineteenth Century Studies / Literature / Colombia / Literary Criticism / Culture / Autobiography / Literary Theory / Biography / Memoir and Autobiography / Colombian History / Colombian Literature / Estudios Culturales / Historia / Literatura / Literatura colombiana / Siglo XIX / Humanities / Social Sciences / Nineteenth Century Studies / Literature / Colombia / Literary Criticism / Culture / Autobiography / Literary Theory / Biography / Memoir and Autobiography / Colombian History / Colombian Literature / Estudios Culturales / Historia / Literatura / Literatura colombiana / Siglo XIX

Dal Molise alla Catalogna. Gabriele Pepe e le sue esperienze nella Guerra del Francès - De Molise a Cataluna. Gabriele Pepe y sus experiencias en la Guerra del Francès - Vol. I

Italian (European History) / Italian Studies / Spanish History / Autobiography / Napoleonic Wars / Memoir and Autobiography / French Revolution and Napoleon / Contemporary Spanish History / Risorgimento / Napoleonic Europe / Contemporary Italian History and Politics / Italian Risorgimento / Peninsular War / History of Italian Risorgimento / Storia del Regno di Napoli / Napoleonic Military History / Storia Del Risorgimento / Memoir and Autobiography / French Revolution and Napoleon / Contemporary Spanish History / Risorgimento / Napoleonic Europe / Contemporary Italian History and Politics / Italian Risorgimento / Peninsular War / History of Italian Risorgimento / Storia del Regno di Napoli / Napoleonic Military History / Storia Del Risorgimento

La dicotomía estructuradora en Salvador Novo: afeminamiento y virilidad

Autobiography / Literatura mexicana / Literatura Gay

La ironía como método prosopopéyico en La estatua de sal

Autobiography / Literatura mexicana / Literatura Gay
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