
Más allá de la piel y la máscara: Turismo, autenticidad y prácticas expositivas en el Sacromonte

Tourism Studies / Museum Studies / Gypsy Anthropology / Heritage Tourism / Authenticity / Romani Studies / Orientalism / Andalusia / Critical Heritage Studies / Romani Studies / Orientalism / Andalusia / Critical Heritage Studies

Música antigua y autenticidad: ideología y práctica

Early Music / Authenticity / History of the 19th-/20th-century Early Music Revival

Constantes personalistas de la naturaleza humana en José Ortega y Gasset

Philosophical Anthropology / Authenticity / Ortega y Gasset / Spanish philosophy / Personalism / Loneliness / Company / Loneliness / Company

El surgimiento de un yo. Las raices agustinianas de las nociones de \"identidad\" y \"autenticidad\" en Charles Taylor

Self and Identity / Philosophical Anthropology / Authenticity / Augustine / Modernity / Charles Taylor / Augustine of Hippo / Antropología filosófica / Teoría Crítica / Subjetividad / Identidad Personal / Charles Taylor / Augustine of Hippo / Antropología filosófica / Teoría Crítica / Subjetividad / Identidad Personal

CFP: Authorship (RBS-Mellon Conference, Philadelphia, October 2017)

Cultural History / African Studies / Asian Studies / Latin American Studies / Archaeology / Comparative Literature / Musicology / Classics / Art History / Media Studies / New Media / Intellectual Property / Southeast Asian Studies / Middle East Studies / Book History / Manuscripts and Early Printed Books / Contemporary Art / Bibliography / Scholarly Editing / History of Science / African Diaspora Studies / Textual Criticism / Authenticity / Authorship Attribution / Manuscript Studies / Copyright / Literary Theory / Provenance / Book History (History) / Intellectual Property Rights / Classical Reception Studies / Agency (Archaeological Theory) / Authorship / Textual criticism (Humanities) / Provenance studies of archaeological material / Copyright and intellectual property / Historical Musicology / Agency / Textual Criticism and Editing / Authorial Intention / Provenancing of archaeological materials / Textual Criticsm / Authoriality and Authorship / Comparative Literature / Musicology / Classics / Art History / Media Studies / New Media / Intellectual Property / Southeast Asian Studies / Middle East Studies / Book History / Manuscripts and Early Printed Books / Contemporary Art / Bibliography / Scholarly Editing / History of Science / African Diaspora Studies / Textual Criticism / Authenticity / Authorship Attribution / Manuscript Studies / Copyright / Literary Theory / Provenance / Book History (History) / Intellectual Property Rights / Classical Reception Studies / Agency (Archaeological Theory) / Authorship / Textual criticism (Humanities) / Provenance studies of archaeological material / Copyright and intellectual property / Historical Musicology / Agency / Textual Criticism and Editing / Authorial Intention / Provenancing of archaeological materials / Textual Criticsm / Authoriality and Authorship

2015 Entrevista sobre Tim Burton y \"Eduardo Manostijeras\"

Authenticity / Charles Taylor / Camus, Authenticity, Existentialism / Tim Burton / TFM Tim Burton / Autenticidad / Eduardo Manostijeras / Edward Scissorhands / Autenticidad / Eduardo Manostijeras / Edward Scissorhands

Historicidad medieval y protomoderna: lo auténtico sobre lo verídico

Medieval Historiography / Historiography / Authenticity / History of Historiography / Narrativity / Medieval Chronicles / Historicity / Historiography, Medieval Chronicles / Credibility / Trustworthiness, Veracity Ontology / Medieval and Early Modern historiography / Spanish Medieval Chronicles / Forms of historicity / Early Modern Historiography / Historicism, historicity, philosophy of history / Internal Consistency / Historical Narrativism / Chronicle Writing / Historical Authenticity vs. Historical Veracity / Literary Verisimilitude and Necessity / Credibility and Truth / Medieval Chronicles / Historicity / Historiography, Medieval Chronicles / Credibility / Trustworthiness, Veracity Ontology / Medieval and Early Modern historiography / Spanish Medieval Chronicles / Forms of historicity / Early Modern Historiography / Historicism, historicity, philosophy of history / Internal Consistency / Historical Narrativism / Chronicle Writing / Historical Authenticity vs. Historical Veracity / Literary Verisimilitude and Necessity / Credibility and Truth

Ortega y Gasset, a cien años de su llegada a la Argentina

Authenticity / Ortega y Gasset / Argentina
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