
Antracología y paleoecología en el cuadrante suroriental de la Península Ibérica: las aportaciones del yacimiento de la Edad del Bronce de Terlinques (Villena, Alicante

Archaeology / Prehistoric Archaeology / Archaeobotany / Mediterranean prehistory / Early Bronze Age Archaeology / Anthracology / Antracology / Palaeoethnobotany / Wood Charcoal / Bronze Age of the Eastern Iberian Peninsula / Anthracology / Antracology / Palaeoethnobotany / Wood Charcoal / Bronze Age of the Eastern Iberian Peninsula


Prehistoric Archaeology / Archaeobotany / Archaeozoology / Medieval Archaeology / Neolithic Archaeology / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Upper Paleolithic / Prehistory / Middle Palaeolithic / Prehistoric Rock Art / Roman Archaeology / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Upper Paleolithic / Prehistory / Middle Palaeolithic / Prehistoric Rock Art / Roman Archaeology

Cambios en el paisaje vegetal de la región andaluza durante el Pleistoceno Superior y Holoceno / Upper Pleistocene and Holocene vegetation changes in the andalusian region

Archaeobotany / Landscape Archaeology / Paleoecology / Palinology / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Pleistocene / Charcoal analysis (Archaeology) / Mediterranean archaeology / Prehistory / Quaternary environments / palaeoecology, palynology, Quaternary, archaeobotany / Holocene / Prehistoria / Pleistoceno / Palaeolithic Europe, Palaeolithic archaeology, Mesolithic archaeology, Prehistoric transitions, Environmental archaeology, Archaeozoology, Pleistocene fauna, Palaeoclimate, Refugia and recolonisation, Spatial analysis, Palaeolithic art and symbolism / Cuaternario / Paleobotánica / Palinología / Biogeografia historica / Holoceno / Paleoambientes y paleoecologia / Menga. Revista de Prehistoria de Andalucía / Pleistocene / Charcoal analysis (Archaeology) / Mediterranean archaeology / Prehistory / Quaternary environments / palaeoecology, palynology, Quaternary, archaeobotany / Holocene / Prehistoria / Pleistoceno / Palaeolithic Europe, Palaeolithic archaeology, Mesolithic archaeology, Prehistoric transitions, Environmental archaeology, Archaeozoology, Pleistocene fauna, Palaeoclimate, Refugia and recolonisation, Spatial analysis, Palaeolithic art and symbolism / Cuaternario / Paleobotánica / Palinología / Biogeografia historica / Holoceno / Paleoambientes y paleoecologia / Menga. Revista de Prehistoria de Andalucía

Evolución y uso de la vegetación durante la Prehistoria en el Alto Guadalquivir / Vegetation evolution and use during Prehistory in the Upper Guadalquivir

Archaeobotany / Landscape Archaeology / Paleoecology / Neolithic Archaeology / Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology) / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Paleolithic Europe / Charcoal analysis (Archaeology) / Prehistory / Edad Del Bronce / Prehistoria / Arqueología del Paisaje / Calcolithic / Calcolítico / Arqueología Prehistórica / Neolítico / Paleolítico / Antracology / Palaeolithic Europe, Palaeolithic archaeology, Mesolithic archaeology, Prehistoric transitions, Environmental archaeology, Archaeozoology, Pleistocene fauna, Palaeoclimate, Refugia and recolonisation, Spatial analysis, Palaeolithic art and symbolism / Antracología / Prehistoria, Neolítico, Mesolítico / Arqueobotánica / Paleoambientes y paleoecologia / Menga. Revista de Prehistoria de Andalucía / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Paleolithic Europe / Charcoal analysis (Archaeology) / Prehistory / Edad Del Bronce / Prehistoria / Arqueología del Paisaje / Calcolithic / Calcolítico / Arqueología Prehistórica / Neolítico / Paleolítico / Antracology / Palaeolithic Europe, Palaeolithic archaeology, Mesolithic archaeology, Prehistoric transitions, Environmental archaeology, Archaeozoology, Pleistocene fauna, Palaeoclimate, Refugia and recolonisation, Spatial analysis, Palaeolithic art and symbolism / Antracología / Prehistoria, Neolítico, Mesolítico / Arqueobotánica / Paleoambientes y paleoecologia / Menga. Revista de Prehistoria de Andalucía

Macrorrestos vegetales del yacimiento de las Eras de san Martín (Alfaro, La Rioja)

Archaeology / Archaeobotany / Early Medieval Archaeology / Medieval Archaeology / Arqueología / Arqueologia Medieval / Olea europaea / Vitis Vinifera / Arqueología de La Rioja / Arqueobotánica / Early Medieval Agriculture / Arqueologia Medieval / Olea europaea / Vitis Vinifera / Arqueología de La Rioja / Arqueobotánica / Early Medieval Agriculture

Iriarte, M.J.; Arrizabalaga, A. (1997): \"Los análisis polínicos sobre contextos sepulcrales. Tipología de los depósitos y estrategias de muestreo\"

Archaeobotany / Palinology / Death and Burial (Archaeology) / Burial Practices (Archaeology) / Vegetation History and Archaeobotany / Palinologia

Iriarte, M.J.; Arrizabalaga, A. (1999): \"El marco ambiental del Paleolítico superior inicial: datos arqueobotánicos\"

Archaeobotany / Middle to Upper Paleolithic Transition / Vegetation History and Archaeobotany / Upper Palaeolithic

Iriarte-Chiapusso, M.J.; Arrizabalaga, A. (2003): “El bosque en el País Vasco prehistórico”

Archaeobotany / Vegetation History and Archaeobotany / Forest History

Maranga: Una perspectiva arqueobotánica en losperiodos tardíos

Archaeobotany / ARQUEOBOTANICA PERUANA / Arqueobotánica / arqueología costa central del Perú

Guadua como elemento mortuorio en sepulturas mayas. BOLETÍN DE ANTROPOLOÍA Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, 29(48): 144-163. ISSN 0120-2510

Archaeobotany / Bamboo / Vegetation History and Archaeobotany / Etnobotánica / Etnobiologia / Archaeological wood, plant fiber and charcoal identification / Anthracology / Avances sobre Usos Etnobotánicos en Latinoamerica / Archaeological wood, plant fiber and charcoal identification / Anthracology / Avances sobre Usos Etnobotánicos en Latinoamerica

“El Barceloneta I. Una embarcación medieval a tingladillo en Barcelona”. SOBERÓN, Mikel; PUJOL, Marcel; LLERGO, Yolanda; RIERA, Santiago; JULIÁ, Ramon; DOMÍNGUEZ, Marta. Itsas, Memoria. Revista de Estudios Marítimos del País Vasco, 7

Archaeobotany / Palynology / Dendrochronology / Ports and Harbours / Archaeology of Mediterranean Trade / Barcelona / Harbour Archaeology / Pollen analysis / Ships and Offshore Structures / Archaeopalynology / Barcelona / Harbour Archaeology / Pollen analysis / Ships and Offshore Structures / Archaeopalynology

(Slides) Més enllà de l’Indus: Poblament, recursos i medi ambient al Gujarat del Nord (Índia)

Archaeology / Prehistoric Archaeology / Southeast Asian Studies / Remote Sensing / Archaeobotany / Landscape Archaeology / Vegetation Ecology / Remote Sensing (Archaeology) / Arqueología / Indus Valley Civilization / Gujarat / Arqueología del Paisaje / Landscape Archaeology / Vegetation Ecology / Remote Sensing (Archaeology) / Arqueología / Indus Valley Civilization / Gujarat / Arqueología del Paisaje

Archaeological Geophysics lab.

Geography / Archaeology / Classical Archaeology / Experimental Archaeology / Maritime Archaeology / Near Eastern Archaeology / Prehistoric Archaeology / Earth Sciences / Environmental Science / Geology / Geochemistry / Geomorphology / Geophysics / Historical Archaeology / Public Archaeology / Architecture / Structural Geology / Egyptian Art and Archaeology / Archaeobotany / Andean Archaeology / Environmental Archaeology / Pottery (Archaeology) / Landscape Archaeology / Archaeological Science / Environmental Studies / Geotechnical Engineering / Anatolian Archaeology / Mesopotamian Archaeology / Mesopotamian Archaeology / Egyptian Archaeology / Rock Art (Archaeology) / Palaeolithic Archaeology / Mesoamerican Archaeology / Planetary Geophysics / Late Antique Archaeology / Archaeological Method & Theory / Exploration (Geophysics) / Early Medieval Archaeology / Medieval Archaeology / Archaeological geophysics (Archaeology) / Ancient economies (Archaeology) / Archaeology of Religion / Funerary Archaeology / Archaeological GIS / Neolithic Archaeology / Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology) / Neolithic & Chalcolithic Archaeology / Social Archaeology / Archaeometry / Aegean Bronze Age (Bronze Age Archaeology) / Archaeoastronomy / Viking Age Archaeology / Byzantine Archaeology / Ceramic Analysis (Archaeology) / Biblical Archaeology / Archaeology of Architecture / Celtic Archaeology / Death and Burial (Archaeology) / Greek Archaeology / Maya Archaeology / Ancient numismatics (Archaeology) / Aegean Prehistory (Archaeology) / Potential Fields Geophysics / Archaeological Theory / Environmental Sustainability / Petroleum geology / Late Bronze Age archaeology / Archaeometallurgy / Archaeological Geophysics / Ceramics (Archaeology) / Exploration Geophysics / Archaeological Chemistry / Archaeology of Ritual and Magic / Aegean Archaeology / Electromagnetic Geophysics / Underwater Archaeology / Etruscan Archaeology / Mediterranean archaeology / Hunter-Gatherer Archaeology / Near surface Geophysics / History of Archaeology / Geophysical Survey / Applied Geophysics / Marine geology and geophysics / Geophysical Prospection / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / Petroleum Geophysics / Marine Geophysics / Gpr, Electromagnetic, Archeology and Geophysics / Borehole Geophysics / Petroleum Geology, Reservoir Characterization, Applied Geophysics and Geohazards Study / Geology and Geophysics / Archa / Geophysical Exploration / European Copper and Bronze Age – Archaeometallurgy – Prehistoric Metalworking in Social Context – Settlement Archaeology – Application of Geophysical Methods in Archaeology – Neolithic – Theory / Cultural Anthropology – Material Culture Studies / Geology & Geophysics / Engineering and environmental geophysics / Geophysics,Engineering geology and petroleum geology / Hydrogeology, Engineering geology Natural Hazards Geodesy and Geophysics Numerical modeling of hydrological and geological processes / Engineering Geophysics / Roman Archaeology / Geophysical prospection optimization in geological prospecting / Archaeologicl Geophysics / Geophysical Prospecting / Archaeology / Earth Sciences / Geophysical Engineering / Groundwater Investigation using geophysical methods / Geophysical Surveying(ERT) / Archaemetry / Geographic Information Systems (GIS) / Near Surface Geophysics and Groundwater Research / History of Geophysics / Near Eastern Archaeology / Prehistoric Archaeology / Earth Sciences / Environmental Science / Geology / Geochemistry / Geomorphology / Geophysics / Historical Archaeology / Public Archaeology / Architecture / Structural Geology / Egyptian Art and Archaeology / Archaeobotany / Andean Archaeology / Environmental Archaeology / Pottery (Archaeology) / Landscape Archaeology / Archaeological Science / Environmental Studies / Geotechnical Engineering / Anatolian Archaeology / Mesopotamian Archaeology / Mesopotamian Archaeology / Egyptian Archaeology / Rock Art (Archaeology) / Palaeolithic Archaeology / Mesoamerican Archaeology / Planetary Geophysics / Late Antique Archaeology / Archaeological Method & Theory / Exploration (Geophysics) / Early Medieval Archaeology / Medieval Archaeology / Archaeological geophysics (Archaeology) / Ancient economies (Archaeology) / Archaeology of Religion / Funerary Archaeology / Archaeological GIS / Neolithic Archaeology / Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology) / Neolithic & Chalcolithic Archaeology / Social Archaeology / Archaeometry / Aegean Bronze Age (Bronze Age Archaeology) / Archaeoastronomy / Viking Age Archaeology / Byzantine Archaeology / Ceramic Analysis (Archaeology) / Biblical Archaeology / Archaeology of Architecture / Celtic Archaeology / Death and Burial (Archaeology) / Greek Archaeology / Maya Archaeology / Ancient numismatics (Archaeology) / Aegean Prehistory (Archaeology) / Potential Fields Geophysics / Archaeological Theory / Environmental Sustainability / Petroleum geology / Late Bronze Age archaeology / Archaeometallurgy / Archaeological Geophysics / Ceramics (Archaeology) / Exploration Geophysics / Archaeological Chemistry / Archaeology of Ritual and Magic / Aegean Archaeology / Electromagnetic Geophysics / Underwater Archaeology / Etruscan Archaeology / Mediterranean archaeology / Hunter-Gatherer Archaeology / Near surface Geophysics / History of Archaeology / Geophysical Survey / Applied Geophysics / Marine geology and geophysics / Geophysical Prospection / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / Petroleum Geophysics / Marine Geophysics / Gpr, Electromagnetic, Archeology and Geophysics / Borehole Geophysics / Petroleum Geology, Reservoir Characterization, Applied Geophysics and Geohazards Study / Geology and Geophysics / Archa / Geophysical Exploration / European Copper and Bronze Age – Archaeometallurgy – Prehistoric Metalworking in Social Context – Settlement Archaeology – Application of Geophysical Methods in Archaeology – Neolithic – Theory / Cultural Anthropology – Material Culture Studies / Geology & Geophysics / Engineering and environmental geophysics / Geophysics,Engineering geology and petroleum geology / Hydrogeology, Engineering geology Natural Hazards Geodesy and Geophysics Numerical modeling of hydrological and geological processes / Engineering Geophysics / Roman Archaeology / Geophysical prospection optimization in geological prospecting / Archaeologicl Geophysics / Geophysical Prospecting / Archaeology / Earth Sciences / Geophysical Engineering / Groundwater Investigation using geophysical methods / Geophysical Surveying(ERT) / Archaemetry / Geographic Information Systems (GIS) / Near Surface Geophysics and Groundwater Research / History of Geophysics

Capitulo 1: Recursos vegetales leñosos y grupos cazadores recolectores (LIBRO: Los recursos vegetales en Arqueología)

Prehistoric Archaeology / Archaeobotany / Prehistoric Archaeobotany / Arqueobotánica De Cazadores Recolectores / Arqueología de Patagonia / Arqueología de cazadores-recolectores / Antracología / Arqueología de cazadores-recolectores / Antracología

CAPITULO 2: Macrorestos vegetales (LIBRO: Los recursos vegetales en Arqueología)

Archaeology / Prehistoric Archaeology / Archaeobotany / Prehistoric Archaeobotany / Cazadores recolectores / Arqueobotánica De Cazadores Recolectores / Arqueología de Patagonia / Arqueobotánica De Cazadores Recolectores / Arqueología de Patagonia
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