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Antioxidant Activity
Antioxidant Activity
Full Length Article Partial Structural Linkages and Physico-chemical Activities of an Extracellular Polysaccharide Produced by Pseudomonas fluorescens Strain WR-1
Bioengineering / Pharmacology / Biochemistry / Microbiology / Pharmacy / Immunology / Molecular Biology / Toxicology / Biotechnology / Antioxidant Activity / Immunology / Molecular Biology / Toxicology / Biotechnology / Antioxidant Activity
Optimization, purification, characterization and antioxidant activity of an extracellular polysaccharide produced by Paenibacillus polymyxa SQR-21
Polysaccharides / Multidisciplinary / Antioxidants / Lipid peroxidation / Antioxidant Activity / Molecular weight / Yeast Extract / Molecular weight / Yeast Extract
ACTIVIDAD ANTIOXIDANTE Y CONTENIDO TOTAL DE FENOLES DE LOS EXTRACTOS ETANÓLICOS DE Salvia aratocensis, Salvia Sochensis, Bidens reptons y Montanoa ovalifolia
Antioxidant Activity
An antioxidant protein in Curcuma comosa Roxb. Rhizomes
Folk Medicine / Mass Spectrometry / Food Chemistry / Rhizomes / Multidisciplinary / Tandem Mass Spectrometry / Ion Exchange Chromatography / Superoxide Dismutase / Antioxidant Activity / Antioxidant enzyme / Liquid Chromatography / Specific Activity / Fractionation / Rhizome / Crude Protein / Molecular weight / Tandem Mass Spectrometry / Ion Exchange Chromatography / Superoxide Dismutase / Antioxidant Activity / Antioxidant enzyme / Liquid Chromatography / Specific Activity / Fractionation / Rhizome / Crude Protein / Molecular weight
Optimization, purification, characterization and antioxidant activity of an extracellular polysaccharide produced by Paenibacillus polymyxa SQR-21
Polysaccharides / Multidisciplinary / Antioxidants / Lipid peroxidation / Antioxidant Activity / Molecular weight / Yeast Extract / Molecular weight / Yeast Extract
Cambios físicos, químicos y sensoriales durante el almacenamiento congelado de la pulpa de arazá (Eugenia stipitata Mc Vaugh) Physical, chemical and organoleptic changes during frozen storage of araza (Eugenia stipitata Mc Vaugh) pulp
Antioxidant Activity / Phenolic compound / Ascorbic Acid / Frozen Storage / Total Soluble Solids / Physicochemical Properties
Cambios físicos, químicos y sensoriales durante el almacenamiento congelado de la pulpa de arazá (Eugenia stipitata Mc Vaugh) Physical, chemical and organoleptic changes during frozen storage of araza (Eugenia stipitata Mc Vaugh) pulp
Antioxidant Activity / Phenolic compound / Ascorbic Acid / Frozen Storage / Total Soluble Solids / Physicochemical Properties
Cambios físicos, químicos y sensoriales durante el almacenamiento congelado de la pulpa de arazá (Eugenia stipitata Mc Vaugh) Physical, chemical and organoleptic changes during frozen storage of araza (Eugenia stipitata Mc Vaugh) pulp
Antioxidant Activity / Phenolic compound / Ascorbic Acid / Frozen Storage / Total Soluble Solids / Physicochemical Properties
Essential Oil / Solvent Extraction / Antioxidant Activity / Oregano
Phytochemical composition and in vitro antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of essential oils of three endemic Soqotraen Boswellia species
Medicinal Plants / Food Chemistry / Multidisciplinary / Essential Oil / Antioxidants / Pharmaceutical / Antimicrobial activity / Gram Positive Bacteria / Apiaceae / Antioxidant Activity / Anti-Bacterial Agents / Plant extracts / Chemical Composition / Primula / Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences / Fumaria / Pharmaceutical / Antimicrobial activity / Gram Positive Bacteria / Apiaceae / Antioxidant Activity / Anti-Bacterial Agents / Plant extracts / Chemical Composition / Primula / Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences / Fumaria
An investigation of physico-chemical properties of a new polyimide–silica composites
Engineering / Materials Engineering / Chemical Engineering / Analytical Chemistry / Organic Chemistry / Industrial Biotechnology / Atomic Force Microscopy / Multidisciplinary / Cellulose / Mathematical Sciences / Optical microscopy / Physical sciences / Surface Morphology / RSC / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Antioxidant Activity / Thermal Analysis / Ascorbic Acid / Food Sciences / Water soluble polymers / Molecular weight / Physico chemical Properties / Total Phenolics / Sol Gel Method / Physicochemical Properties / European Food / Titratable acidity / Industrial Biotechnology / Atomic Force Microscopy / Multidisciplinary / Cellulose / Mathematical Sciences / Optical microscopy / Physical sciences / Surface Morphology / RSC / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Antioxidant Activity / Thermal Analysis / Ascorbic Acid / Food Sciences / Water soluble polymers / Molecular weight / Physico chemical Properties / Total Phenolics / Sol Gel Method / Physicochemical Properties / European Food / Titratable acidity
Caracterización y actividad antioxidante de aceites de semillas de Citrus aurantifolia (Christm.) Swingle y Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck ecotipos Pica. | [Characterization and antioxidant activity of seed oils from Citrus aurantifolia (Christm.) Swingle and Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck ecotypes Pica]
Antioxidants / Fatty acids / Antioxidant / Fatty Acids Analysis / Citrus Fruits / Citrus / Antioxidant Activity / Seeds / Fatty Acid / Citrus aurantifolia / Bioactive Compounds in Seed Oils / Fatty Acid Compositions / Citrus Sinensis / Antioxidation / Citrus / Antioxidant Activity / Seeds / Fatty Acid / Citrus aurantifolia / Bioactive Compounds in Seed Oils / Fatty Acid Compositions / Citrus Sinensis / Antioxidation
Cuantificación de polifenoles y actividad antioxidante en extractos de cáscaras de Citrus x sinensis ecotipo Pica. | [Quantification of poliphenols and antioxidant activity in peel extracts of Citrus x sinensis ecotype Pica]
Quantification / Antioxidants / Polyphenols / Antioxidant / Citrus Fruits / Natural antioxidants / Citrus / Antioxidant Activity / Phenolic Compounds / Phenols / Citrus Sinensis / Citrus Sinensis Peel Extract / Natural antioxidants / Citrus / Antioxidant Activity / Phenolic Compounds / Phenols / Citrus Sinensis / Citrus Sinensis Peel Extract
Analysis of antimicrobial, antifungal and antioxidant activities of Juniperus excelsa M. B subsp. Polycarpos (K. Koch) Takhtajan essential oil
Complementary and Alternative Medicine / Plant Biology / Pharmacognosy / Essential Oil / Antioxidant Activity
Antioxidant activity and phenolic composition of sumac (Rhus coriaria L.) extracts
Engineering / Analytical Chemistry / Organic Chemistry / Nutrition and Dietetics / Plant Biology / Medicinal Plants / Food Chemistry / Flavonoids / Multidisciplinary / Free Radical / Functional Foods / Antioxidants / Black Tea / Gallic acid / High Pressure Liquid Chromatography / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Antioxidant Activity / Liquid Chromatography / Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry / Phenols / Ethyl Acetate / Phenolic compound / Mediterranean region / Lavandula / Food Sciences / Agricultural and Food Chemistry / Corylus / Structure activity Relationship / Organic and Conventional Agriculture / Total Phenolics / Chlorogenic Acid / Superoxides / Palabras Clave: BIM / Plant Leaves / Medicinal Plants / Food Chemistry / Flavonoids / Multidisciplinary / Free Radical / Functional Foods / Antioxidants / Black Tea / Gallic acid / High Pressure Liquid Chromatography / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Antioxidant Activity / Liquid Chromatography / Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry / Phenols / Ethyl Acetate / Phenolic compound / Mediterranean region / Lavandula / Food Sciences / Agricultural and Food Chemistry / Corylus / Structure activity Relationship / Organic and Conventional Agriculture / Total Phenolics / Chlorogenic Acid / Superoxides / Palabras Clave: BIM / Plant Leaves
An antioxidant protein in Curcuma comosa Roxb. Rhizomes
Folk Medicine / Food Chemistry / Multidisciplinary / Tandem Mass Spectrometry / Superoxide Dismutase / Antioxidant Activity / Antioxidant enzyme / Liquid Chromatography / Specific Activity / Crude Protein / Antioxidant Activity / Antioxidant enzyme / Liquid Chromatography / Specific Activity / Crude Protein
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