
Historia General de África

African History / Africa

ICT’s use analysis in Burkina‐Faso and Democratic Republic of  Congo. Access, practices and students competences

African Studies / Internet Studies / Africa / Internet research methods / User Education / The Internet / French as a second language / TICE / Littérature Francophone / Tics and education / Internet and Education / Effects of Internet Use on the Academic Performance of Students in Tertiary Institutions / Internet and Educations / TICE en classe / Internet / French Language Education / Organisation internationale de la francophonie / OIF - Organisation internationale de la Francophonie / The Internet / French as a second language / TICE / Littérature Francophone / Tics and education / Internet and Education / Effects of Internet Use on the Academic Performance of Students in Tertiary Institutions / Internet and Educations / TICE en classe / Internet / French Language Education / Organisation internationale de la francophonie / OIF - Organisation internationale de la Francophonie

Prostitutes and Prostitution Guide for America and Americans ~ Las prostitutas y Guía de prostitución para América y los americanos

Religion / Christianity / European Studies / Latin American Studies / American Studies / Philosophy / Education / Southeast Asian Studies / Social Sciences / Latin American and Caribbean History / Cuban Studies / Africa / Early Christianity / Biblical Studies / Islamic Studies / India / Hispanic Studies / Prostitution / Philosophy / Education / Southeast Asian Studies / Social Sciences / Latin American and Caribbean History / Cuban Studies / Africa / Early Christianity / Biblical Studies / Islamic Studies / India / Hispanic Studies / Prostitution

Enfermedad cardiovascular: una visión desde la salud global

Globalization / Africa / Global Health / Tropical Medicine / Developing Countries / Comorbidity / Travel / Humans / Asia / Endemic Diseases / Ethnic Groups / Prevalence / Developed Countries / Internationality / Cardiovascular Diseases / Medicina Clinica / Comorbidity / Travel / Humans / Asia / Endemic Diseases / Ethnic Groups / Prevalence / Developed Countries / Internationality / Cardiovascular Diseases / Medicina Clinica

Diabetes mellitus gestacional y etnia materna: alta prevalencia de macrosomía fetal en mujeres no caucásicas

Africa / Adolescent / Spain / Latin America / Gestational diabetes / Pregnancy / Humans / Blood Glucose / Smoking / Female / Asia / Young Adult / Ethnic Groups / Recurrence / Newborn Infant / Prevalence / Middle Aged / Adult / Retrospective Studies / European Continental Ancestry Group / Gestational Age / Neonatal Jaundice / Medicina Clinica / Pregnancy Outcome / Pregnancy / Humans / Blood Glucose / Smoking / Female / Asia / Young Adult / Ethnic Groups / Recurrence / Newborn Infant / Prevalence / Middle Aged / Adult / Retrospective Studies / European Continental Ancestry Group / Gestational Age / Neonatal Jaundice / Medicina Clinica / Pregnancy Outcome

La coherencia de los Planes África a examen: La relación entre los flujos de migración y los fondos de cooperación al desarrollo entre África Occidental y la Unión Europea

Africa / European Union / Cooperación Internacional Para El Desarrollo / Relaciones Internacionales / Migraciones Internacionales / Políticas migratorioas / Coherencia De Políticas De Desarrollo / Políticas migratorioas / Coherencia De Políticas De Desarrollo

La repercusión del fallecimiento del Teniente Coronel Ibáñez Marín, durante la campaña de Melilla de 1909, en Enguera a través de la prensa local, el ejemplo de \"El Enguerino\".

African Studies / Early Modern History / Africa / Hystory / Prensa local / History of Melilla / Enguera / Campaña de Melilla 1909 / Ibánez Marín / Barranco del Lobo / Gurugú / History of Melilla / Enguera / Campaña de Melilla 1909 / Ibánez Marín / Barranco del Lobo / Gurugú

Re-examining environmental correlates of Plasmodium falciparum malaria endemicity: a data-intensive variable selection approach

Spatial Analysis / Africa / Medical Microbiology / Malaria / Risk / Humans / Endemic Diseases / Theoretical Models / Plasmodium falciparum / Environment / Humans / Endemic Diseases / Theoretical Models / Plasmodium falciparum / Environment

Las comunidades de la Edad del Hierro en África centro-occidental: cultura material e identidad

Prehistoric Archaeology / Africa / Funerary Archaeology / Iron Age / Equatorial Guinea

Los colores de la tierra. Permanencia y discontinuidades del Apartheid en Namibia. REVISTA ECOLOGÍA POLÍTICA, nº 48. By Pablo Gilolmo Lobo

African Studies / African History / Africa / Colonialism / Apartheid / Land reform / Colonialismo / Namibia / Land reform / Colonialismo / Namibia
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