20th century Avant-Garde

De VLTRA a Gaceta de Arte. Arte y estética en las revistas de vanguardia españolas

Spanish Literature / Text And Image / 20th century Avant-Garde

Crevel, Klee, Tzara: poesía, pintura y música en la nueva aventura estética

Surrealism / Tristan Tzara / 20th century Avant-Garde / Paul Klee / Dadaism / René Crevel

Vanguardias: mito, historia y actualidad

Aesthetics / Aesthetics and Politics / 20th century Avant-Garde

Mensajeros de un tiempo nuevo. Modernidad y nihilismo en la literatura de vanguardia (1918-1936)

Poesía de las vanguardias hispánicas / 20th century Avant-Garde / Spanish Avant-Garde / Spanish Avant-garde Novel / Edad de Plata / 19th - 20th Spanish Peninsular avant-garde literature, film and culture

El vídeo y las vanguardias históricas

Art History / Avant-Garde Cinema / Video Art / 20th century Avant-Garde

¿Cuál es el colmo de un vanguardista? Autonegación, comicidad y crítica en el «Manifiesto Dadá de 1918»

French Literature / Avant-garde writing / Laughter / Henri Bergson / Tristan Tzara / 20th century Avant-Garde / Dadaism & Surrealism / 20th century Avant-Garde / Dadaism & Surrealism

Norah Borges Illustrates Two Spanish Women Poets

Women Artists / 20th century Avant-Garde / Twentieth Century Spanish Poetry


Gender Studies / Renaissance Art / Classical Art / History of Art / Italian Renaissance Art / Medieval Art / Baroque art and architecture / Museology / 20th century Avant-Garde / Ancient Greek and Roman Art / Spanish Art / Contemporary Architecture / Theory and History of Art / History of Art and Architecture / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Contemporary Spanish Art / Medieval Art / Baroque art and architecture / Museology / 20th century Avant-Garde / Ancient Greek and Roman Art / Spanish Art / Contemporary Architecture / Theory and History of Art / History of Art and Architecture / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Contemporary Spanish Art

Una iconografía del ojo en Un chien andalou

Aesthetics / Avant-Garde Cinema / Art Theory / Models of Creativity & of Creative Processes / Film Theory / Surrealism / Antonin Artaud / Imagination / Cinema / Avant-Garde / Film Aesthetics / Dreams / Dada In Europe & New York (Man Ray & M. Duchamp) / 20th century Avant-Garde / Spontaneity / Rosalind Krauss / André Breton / Jean Epstein / Luis Buñuel / Interiority / Vision / Henry Corbin / French Avant-Garde / Hallucinations / Misticism / Apollinaire / Surrealist Art Theory (A. Breton, M. Ernst, Man Ray). / European Avant Garde / Dadaism & Surrealism / Surrealism and film / Jean Cocteau / Imaginación / Eye / Mística / Guillaume Apollinaire / MISTICISMO / Jacques Prévert / Creative Imagination / Man Ray / Surrealismo / Vanguardia / Vision and Visuality / Surrealismos / Cirlot / Ceguera / Ojo / Marcel Carne / Interioridad / Light Sleep / Surrealism / Antonin Artaud / Imagination / Cinema / Avant-Garde / Film Aesthetics / Dreams / Dada In Europe & New York (Man Ray & M. Duchamp) / 20th century Avant-Garde / Spontaneity / Rosalind Krauss / André Breton / Jean Epstein / Luis Buñuel / Interiority / Vision / Henry Corbin / French Avant-Garde / Hallucinations / Misticism / Apollinaire / Surrealist Art Theory (A. Breton, M. Ernst, Man Ray). / European Avant Garde / Dadaism & Surrealism / Surrealism and film / Jean Cocteau / Imaginación / Eye / Mística / Guillaume Apollinaire / MISTICISMO / Jacques Prévert / Creative Imagination / Man Ray / Surrealismo / Vanguardia / Vision and Visuality / Surrealismos / Cirlot / Ceguera / Ojo / Marcel Carne / Interioridad / Light Sleep

Una iconografía del ojo en Emak Bakia

Creative Writing / Aesthetics / Avant-Garde Cinema / Models of Creativity & of Creative Processes / Film Theory / Surrealism / Imagination / Film Aesthetics / Dada In Europe & New York (Man Ray & M. Duchamp) / 20th century Avant-Garde / Luis Buñuel / Misticism / Surrealist Art Theory (A. Breton, M. Ernst, Man Ray). / European Avant Garde / Dadaism & Surrealism / Surrealism and film / Phenomenology of the Imagination / Surrealismo Francês / French Surrealism / French Surrealism Litterature / Surrealism, Liberation Psychology, Critical Theory / Surréalisme, Littérature, Esthétique / The Occultation of Surrealism in 1947 / MISTICISMO / Dada and Surrealism / Creative Imagination / Existentialism, Absurdism, Surrealism / Surrealismo / Avant Garde Film / Dada/Surrealism / Theories of Imagination / Surrealismos / Surrealism / Imagination / Film Aesthetics / Dada In Europe & New York (Man Ray & M. Duchamp) / 20th century Avant-Garde / Luis Buñuel / Misticism / Surrealist Art Theory (A. Breton, M. Ernst, Man Ray). / European Avant Garde / Dadaism & Surrealism / Surrealism and film / Phenomenology of the Imagination / Surrealismo Francês / French Surrealism / French Surrealism Litterature / Surrealism, Liberation Psychology, Critical Theory / Surréalisme, Littérature, Esthétique / The Occultation of Surrealism in 1947 / MISTICISMO / Dada and Surrealism / Creative Imagination / Existentialism, Absurdism, Surrealism / Surrealismo / Avant Garde Film / Dada/Surrealism / Theories of Imagination / Surrealismos

Humanism and Deshumanización - Fiction and Philosophy of a Transatlantic Avant-Garde

Latin American Studies / Spanish Literature (Peninsular) / Ortega y Gasset / Jorge Luis Borges / Friedrich Nietzsche / Argentina / Humanism / 20th century Avant-Garde / Spain / Roberto Arlt / Transatlantic studies / Pedro Salinas / Ramon Gomez de la Serna / Macedonio Fernández / Argentina / Humanism / 20th century Avant-Garde / Spain / Roberto Arlt / Transatlantic studies / Pedro Salinas / Ramon Gomez de la Serna / Macedonio Fernández

Las vanguardias en acto

Aesthetics and Politics / 20th century Avant-Garde / Vanguardias / Tiempo y Temporalidad / Vanguardias Artísticas / Vanguardia Latinoamericana

Arte y militancia: encuentros (y desencuentros) entre los artistas y el Partido Comunista Argentino

Art History / Abstract Art / Russian & Soviet Art / 20th century Avant-Garde / Socialist Realism / Realism / Historia del Arte / Vanguardia / Concrete Art / Realism / Historia del Arte / Vanguardia / Concrete Art

Antonio Espina: la autoridad social del intelectual en su \"arte de ensayo\" (1919-1936)

Intellectual History / Spanish Literature / Avant-Garde / 20th century Avant-Garde / Essays / Essay / Ensayo / Essay / Ensayo

Hans Bellmer : la poesía y el movimiento de la aniquilación

Surrealism / 20th century Avant-Garde / Hans Bellmer
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